What are Osteopathy Services?
Osteopathic Manual Practitioners or OMP for short, focus on the manipulation and massage of muscle tissue, joints and bones to treat a number of concerns in infants, children, youths and adults.
At Developing Hands Pediatric Therapy, our Osteopathic Manual Practitioners start the treatment journey with your family before your child is born. Our Practitioners treat pregnant women, postpartum mothers, and children from 0 (newborns) to 18 years of age (youths). Our Osteopathic Manual Practitioner can assist families, infants, toddlers, children and youth in a variety of ways to alleviate pain and enhance functioning.
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How can an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner Help?
Our Osteopathic Manual Practitioner can assist families, infants, toddlers, children and youth in a variety of ways to alleviate pain and enhance functioning.

Helping Children RECOVER
Osteopathy For Pregnant Women In Mississauga
Pregnancy causes a number of developmental and psychological changes in a woman’s body as her body grows and adapts to accommodate a baby.
The stress on a woman’s body may cause postural shifts and imbalances which can lead to pain and discomfort. These changes can lead to sleep disturbances, digestion problems, headaches, constipation and joint, neck and back pain.
Our Osteopathic Manual Practitioner (OMP) can assist with providing strategies and treatment to alleviate pain and tension and provide relief during the pregnancy journey.
OMPs use techniques to release muscle fascia and tension to assist with reducing discomfort during pregnancy and aiding in better sleep.
OMPs can provide treatment techniques to improve constipation symptoms by gently manipulating the internal organs and muscles in the abdomen to improve the colon’s mobility.
OMPs conduct treatments that may help with digestive problems as a woman progresses in her pregnancy. As the fetus/baby starts to grow, it pushes the organs making digestion harder. OMPs may recommend nutritional diet changes along with directed exercise aiding in better digestion.
OMPs can provide treatment techniques to assist a pregnant woman receive relief from joint, neck and back pain.
OMPs can relieve tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulder through hand-on therapy which in turn can assist with alleviating headache symptoms.

Helping Children RECOVER
Osteopathy for New Mothers and Newborn Children in Mississauga
Osteopathy is a hands-on therapy service that assists new mothers and babies become more comfortable during their transition to this new journey together. A new born baby and his/her mother go through a lot of physical changes during and after the birthing experience. Osteopathic Manual Practitioners can work with the mother and new born to provide comfort:
- Breastfeeding (Nursing) Issues
- Latching Issues
- Lactation (Milk Secretion) Issues
- Inability to Latch
- Infant/Baby Gagging, Choking, Reflux
- Refusing to Eat
- Colic
- Pediatric Dysphagia (Difficulty Swallowing)
- Sleep Issues
- Constipation
- Digestive Problems
- Joint, neck and back pain
- Headaches
- Plagiocephaly
- Irritability
Osteopathic Manual Treatments (OMT) can help a new mom with nursing issues by assessing the position of the baby while feeding, making sure mom and baby are comfortable during the process.
Osteopathic Manual Treatments (OMT) can help with latching onto a bottle or while breastfeeding. Again, the practitioner will assess to see the position of the baby while nursing and identify if there are any strains that may be affecting the way the baby is latching.
Osteopathic Manual Treatments (OMT) can help treat mastitis caused by poor latching and not feeding in proper position. Mastitis is caused by clogged milk secretion causing mom and baby to feel discomfort and stress.
Osteopathic Manual Treatments (OMT) can ensure baby is in proper position and is getting a proper latch by easing the neck, face, jaw, as well as addressing tongue ties to help with latching.
Infants experiencing gagging, choking and reflux often are experiencing digestive issues. Osteopathic Manual Practitioners will gently release strains through techniques used to help ease digestion in infants and babies.
If your baby is fussy and refusing to eat, it might be due to discomfort or pain they are experiencing. An Osteopathic Manual Practitioner can help by gently massaging the child to release discomfort.
Osteopathic Manual practitioners gently treat a baby for colic discomfort and reflux that can be caused by gut imbalances from tension in the spine, neck or ribs. Treatments can aid in relieving digestion issues and discomfort.
Osteopathic Manual Treatment (OMT) is shown to help treat infants with Dysphagia symptoms using safe strategies of facial stimulation.
If your baby is having trouble sleeping, it may be caused by digestive concerns and discomfort, making lying down and sleeping uncomfortable. Osteopathic Manual Treatments incorporate gentle hands-on techniques and massages to aide with enhancing comfort and relieving muscle strain to enable better sleep.
Osteopathic Manual Treatments (OMT) can assist with constipation issues using hands on techniques and gentle massages to release tension in the abdomen, which in turn will aid in better bowel movement.
Digestive problems in babies may be associated with colic, constipation, and reflux. The Osteopathic Manual Practitioner can address these concerns using hands on techniques which in turn will alleviate the child’s digestive concerns.
Osteopathic Manual Practitioners can provide strategies and hands-on treatment to provide joint, neck and back pain relief in babies and infants.
Osteopathic Manual Treatments (OMT) relieve tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulder through hand-on therapy and can relieve headache symptoms in children.
Plagiocephaly is characterized by one side of the head being flat in comparison to the other, either from birth or develops from continually sleeping on one side. Osteopathic Manual Practitioners can provide strategies to relieve neck and muscle tightness to assist with promoting better neck positioning associated with Plagiocephaly.
Babies may present with discomfort and irritability after birth as their bodies adjust from being moulded in the womb for 9 months. Osteopathic Manual Practitioners may assist with alleviating discomfort and irritability using safe and gentle hands-on techniques.

Helping Children RECOVER
Osteopathy for Children and Youth in Mississauga
Osteopathy can benefit children and youth just as they do with mothers and babies. As children grow, they may experience digestive issues, constipation, sleep issues, sports injuries, headaches, joint, neck and back pain.
Osteopathic Manual Practitioners can detect the root causes to these symptoms and will conduct appropriate hands-on treatments to aid in resolving some of the discomfort the child is experiencing.
Osteopathic Manual Practitioners can help youth or children either treat or prevent sport injuries before they happen. Children or youth that play a lot of sports can visit with an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner as a preventive measure, even if they don’t have any foreseen injuries. Osteopathic Manual Practitioners can provide treatments that help put the body in ideal positions to assist with preventing injury, for example, they can help correct posture so that injury does not occur during sports. If the child is already injured or has joint and muscle pain, Osteopathic Manual Practitioners will provide proper techniques to help relieve the pain through gentle massage and offer ways to help prevent injuries from reoccurring.
If your child is having trouble with sleep, it may be caused by a number of factors impacting their system. Osteopathic Manual Practitioners will assess to determine root causes of concerns and can provide gentle techniques to help relax the child and relieve tension to provide better sleep patterns.
Constipation may result from insufficient water consumption or dietary reasons such as reduced fibre intake. If the child or youth meets adequate levels of fiber and fluid intake, Osteopathic Manual Practitioners can help constipation symptoms by using hands on techniques and gentle massages to release tension in the abdomen, which in turn will assist with addressing imbalances and allow for effective bowel movements.
Digestive problems in kids and youth can be related to a number of factors. The Osteopathic Manual Practitioner can assess and determine root causes of concerns and in turn provide strategies to help restore and relieve the digestive system through gentle hands-on techniques.
Osteopathic Manual Practitioners can help children and youth through gentle physical therapy techniques to give some relief from tightness in the joint, neck and back.
Headaches may result from various reasons including muscle and joint tension. Osteopathic Manual Practitioners assist with addressing headache symptoms by relieving tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulder through hand-on therapy techniques.
Why Choose Developing Hands for
your Osteopathy needs?
At Developing Hands our passion is to provide exceptional services to children and families. Our Osteopathic Manual Practitioner has the proper education and training to work with children and families and is affiliated with appropriate Associations in the field. Our Practitioner uses techniques and strategies to engage the children during the session while meeting their therapy needs.
Please Contact Us for more information about our Osteopathy Services.

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NOTE: Clinic visits are by appointment only